Friday 7 October 2011

Using static classes in tests

This is a followup from my previous post on mocking out static classes and injecting behaviour.

The disadvantage to injecting test specific behaviour into a static class is that if you’re not careful you can leak behaviour from test to test. This certainly happens in NUnit, in which a static class will be instantiated once for a test session – not once per test instance.

Take these psuedo-tests for example:

public void FirstTest()
    IO.Abstractions.Path.CombineImpl = (path1, path2) => "some\\default\\path";

    Assert.AreEqual("some\\default\\path", IO.Abstractions.Path.Combine("some", "path"));

public void SecondTest()
    // assume we're using the default implementation -- System.IO.Path.Combine

    Assert.AreEqual("some\\path", IO.Abstractions.Path.Combine("some", "path"));

FirstTest will succeed. If FirstTest runs first, then SecondTest will fail; if SecondTest runs first, SecondTest will succeed. the problem is that FirstTest sets the behaviour for Path.Combine and SecondTest doesn't override it.

The trick is to ensure you reset the behaviour in test setup and teardown. You can just reset to default behaviour in either:

public void SetUp()
    IO.Abstractions.Path.CombineImpl = System.IO.Path.Combine;

or you might want to set the behaviour to null, and just set the defaults on teardown:

public void SetUp()
    IO.Abstractions.Path.CombineImpl = null;

public void TearDown()
    IO.Abstractions.Path.CombineImpl = System.IO.Path.Combine;

This latter approach has the advantage that -- if you null out all possible behaviour across the static classes used -- you immediately get to sense which methods are being hit in any given test, and where in the code under test it's being hit from.

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