Friday 16 September 2011

Rhino.Mocks and manual fakes

Habitually, I use Rhino Mocks. Chris Oldwood and I were discussing fakes and mocks, and he commented that he strongly disliked the Rhino syntax. He much preferred writing manual stubs with delegates for test-specific behaviour because the syntax was clearer and more portable.

He may have a point.

To compare, I knocked up an example test; it just checks the number of times that a method is called on some mocked component:

public void UsingRhinoMocks()        
    var mockComponent = MockRepository.GenerateMock<component>();
    int expect = 10;            
    mockComponent.Expect(x => x.Operation(null))
        .Return(new Result())

    var svc = new Service(mockComponent);            


It’s brief, but somewhat hard to parse. In contrast, here’s the same test as Chris would have it:

public void UsingAManualFake()        
    var fakeComponent = new FakeComponent();             

    int expect = 10;            
    bool called = false;            
    int calls = 0;            
    fakeComponent.Operation = () =>              
            called = true;                  
            return new Result();              
    var svc = new Service(fakeComponent);            

    Assert.AreEqual(expect, calls);        

The points here are that the specific tests are clear – you don’t need to reparse the expectations by eye to see what the result should be; and that the setting of expectations is clearer – it looks like a coherent body of code, rather than the notionally fluent style used by Rhino.Mocks. Clearly I’ve left out the definition of the FakeComponent class, among other things – and there lies the principle problem. Fakes can become brittle, especially when shared between different test sets. You have to maintain that class as well as any callsites in the tests as the interface changes.

I took the point about clarity and thought: most of the FakeComponent is actually boilerplate on top of the interface. It’d be easy to dynamically instantiate something using our own dynamic proxy.

But then, Rhino.Mocks is basically creating a dynamic proxy for us.

It turns out we can use Rhino.Mocks to do the same thing, with a helper method to instantiate the mock instance:

private static T GetMock<T,A>(Action<T> method, A del) where T : class        
    // yuck ... but we don't have generic delegate constraints!         
    var action = del as Delegate;              
    var mockComponent = MockRepository.GenerateStub<T>();            

    return mockComponent;        

and then the modified test looks like this, with specific asserts at the end, and a coherent non-fluent code body:

public void UsingRhinoMocksLikeAFake()        
    int expect = 10;            
    bool called = false;            
    int calls = 0;            
    var method = new Action<IComponent>(x => x.Operation(null));
    var action = new Func<string, Result>(
        (x) => {
            called = true;
            return new Result();

    var mockComponent = GetMock(method, action);

    var svc = new Service(mockComponent);            
    var ret = svc.ServiceMethod(expect);             

    Assert.AreEqual(expect, calls);        

One wrinkle is that now we need to explicitly define the method that will be called on IComponent, and also the behaviour we want to see when the method is called; it’s like a union of the Rhino and Fake approaches. It’s not quite as clear – but it’s only a line longer.

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