Friday 4 March 2011

Comparing fluent interfaces for guard clauses [part 2]

So Microsoft provide a Guard class that simplifies guard checks. It has a simple interface, but is a bit restricted and can look a bit clunky if you need to do multiple checks -- assuming you've extended the Guard class:

Guard.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
Guard.Contains("XYZ", message, "message");
// ...

We can simplify these chains a lot by using a fluent interface.

Fluently chaining guards

A fluent interface can be used to chain checks. It’d look something like this:

Guard.Argument(message, "message")
Guard.Argument(count, "count")

The guard checks are extension methods hanging off the underlying state object that’s passed from check to check. The state object is populated by Argument(…), and holds the argument value and name:

public class GuardState
    public object Value { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

and an example guard check looks like:

public static void IsNotNull(this GuardState state)
    if(state.Value == null) 
        throw new ArgumentNullException(state.Name);

So with this technique I could simplify chained guard checks, but the code would break on the first guard fail. CuttingEdge.Conditions is a freely-available library that does much the same thing, in, I’d guess, the same way.

In some sense there’s not much difference between using this, and just using repeated calls to specific IsNotNull(value, “name”)  methods. To make it more useful, we’d need to start aggregating state and avoiding the guard trapdoor effect.

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