Thursday 27 January 2011

First, check your dependencies; avoid breaking encapsulation

Recently I was bogged down attempting to mock out half the world when testing a method, only to find that a little thought would have made it irrelevant.

You don’t have to mock to isolate – sometimes you just need to understand your dependencies better.

This example is a case in point. I went down a couple of blind alleys because I didn’t consider the coupling between the method under test and other classes. It’s this one:

public void MethodUnderTest()

In this abstracted example the problem’s pretty easy to spot. I started mocking a UtilityClassProvider and a UtilityClass, which was all rather more involved than necessary because of the way UtilityClassProvider instantiates a class, and because UtilityClass was sealed, and couldn’t be unsealed. Rhino Mocks complains if you attempt to mock a sealed class, and I couldn’t extract an interface and use that as UtilityClass needs an instantiatable type to create – and so on.

But then -- UtilityClassProvider looks like it’s meant to be a builder. Surely it could be refactored into one, standardising the code a bit too. Refactoring UtilityClassProvider to a builder pattern would be worthwhile, even if it did mean the refactoring started to affect more than the class under test.

Probably best to limit the refactoring to begin with.

I looked at it and realised that this method didn’t depend on UtilityClassProvider at all. At worst, it relies on a UtilityClass, and at best only on the effects of SomeUsefulMethod. The encapsulation-breaking of UtilityClassProvider.Get<UtilityClass>.SomeUsefulMethod() is simply ugly, and let me lead myself up the garden path.

So, in this case I extracted an IUtilityClass property with public accessors, and extracted an IUtilityClass interface from UtilityClass. This shifts the emphasis for creating (and injecting) the IUtilityClass instance to the calling code.

public sealed class UtilityClass : IUtilityClass
    public void SomeUsefulMethod()

public interface IUtilityClass
    void SomeUsefulMethod();

public class ClassUnderTest
    public IUtilityClass UtilityClass { get; set; }

    public void MethodUnderTest()

I could have gone a step further and removed the dependency on UtilityClass, and just extracted a method that proxied SomeUsefulMethod instead – but it would have required a call to an IUtilityClass anyway, and going this far removes the more awkward problems associated with the dependency on UtilityClassProvider.

With either solution I’ve removed direct dependencies from the method under test, meaning that the method is a) simpler and b) easier to isolate. The extracted method(s) represent logic that might be better provided by another object or structure – but that’s another step. I might recover a UtilityClassProvider from a container like Unity, for example.

Finally, now I can test the method either with a mock IUtilityClass or an actual UtilityClass, if the class is amenable to it (in this simple example it is; in real life it wasn’t, so mocking helped). I can then inject the mocked IUtilityClass, call MethodUnderTest and voila.

public class Tests
    public void Test()
        var mockUtilityClass = MockRepository
            .Expect(o => o.SomeUsefulMethod());
        var cut = new ClassUnderTest();
        cut.UtilityClass = mockUtilityClass;



So, the moral is: if you find yourself refactoring half the world just so you can then mock it – check your dependencies first, as you might not be dependent on half of what you think you are.

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