TL;DR: if you create constructors for new types derived from ConfigurationSection, you need to create a default constructor too.
While working on some C# configuration I hit this error at runtime:
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException : An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for databaseSources: Unable to load type 'Sources.SqlServerDataSourceConfiguration, Sources, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is not public. (C:\Users\Tim\Documents\Code\csharp\Alembic.Metrics\bin\Debug\MetricAgent.exe.config line 7) ----> System.TypeLoadException : Unable to load type 'Sources.SqlServerDataSourceConfiguration, Sources, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is not public.
Confusing, as the code looks like:
public class SqlServerDataSourceConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { public SqlServerDataSourceConfiguration(IEnumerableconfigs) { Databases.Add(configs); } [ConfigurationProperty("databases")] public DatabaseElementCollection Databases { get { return (DatabaseElementCollection)base["databases"]; } } }
And, out of paranoia, ILDasm tells me:
.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit Sources.SqlServerDataSourceConfiguration extends [System.Configuration]System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
So, what? Instinct told me it’ll need a public default constructor. Added one and bingo; problem gone.
And soon, I hope I’ll figure out why.